- Berlingskes afsløringer af den omfattende hvidvask i Danske Banks estiske afdeling, i: Når medierne sætter dagsordenen. Eds: V. Borberg, H. Borberg, C. Suhr, N. Vinding, DJØF 2020, pp. 21-32-
- Slutter aktiefesten nu? Aktionæren, 2014
- Adjusting to the Financial Crisis: How Emerging Markets and Developed Economies Have Fared, Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 2013, pp. 79-105
- Macroeconomic Perspectives on the Financial Crisis and Its Aftermath, In: Global Asset Management: Strategies, Risks, Processes and Technologies. Eds. M. Pinedo and I. Walter. Palgrave Macmillan 2013, pp. 59-73
- Managing Macro Financial Risks, 2009, Journal of Applied IT and Investment Management
- The Value Premium on the Danish Stock Market: 1950 – 2004, Working Paper, INT/CBS, 2007
- A Price Earnings Index for the Danish Stock Market, 2006, Scandinavian Economic History Review, pp. 137-160
- Latvia 2003 Article IV Report (co-author of this report), April 2003, International Monetary Fund
- Latvia 2002 First and Second Reviews under the Stand By Arrangement (co-author of this report), International Monetary Fund, Country Report No 02/149
- Regional Energy Issues – Input for Latvia (With Erik Lundback), Memo, International Monetary Fund, 2001
- Latvia 2001 Article IV Report (co-author of this report)), November 2001, International Monetary Fund
- Stock returns and bond yields in Denmark (With S. Nielsen), 1922-99, Scandinavian Economic History Review, 2001, pp.63-82
- Afkast og risiko ved aktieinvesteringer på kort og lang sigt (With S. Nielsen), Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, 2001, pp. 25-41
- On the Predictability of the Danish Equity Premium (With Jan O. Olesen), Working Paper 5-2000 Department of Economics, CBS
- On the Relationship Between the Danish Stock and Bond Market in the Medium and Long Term (With Jan O. Olesen), Working Paper 4-2000, Department of Economics, CBS
- Job Security Policies and Trade Union Behaviour in an Open Economy (With J.R. Sørensen), Canadian Journal of Economics, 1999, pp. 139-151
- Risiko for langsigtet fald i Aktiekurserne – kommentar (With Jan O. Olesen); Finans/Invest 3/99, pp. 19-23
- Random Walk or Mean Reversion: The Danish Stock Market Since World War I, Working Paper 7-98, Department of Economics, CBS
- On the effects of firing costs when investment is endogenous (With J.R. Sørensen), European Economic Review, 1997, pp. 1343-1353
- On the Effects of Reducing the Government’s Role in the Labo r Market: A Stylized Model for Egypt with Numerical Policy Examples (With Chang-Po Yang), World Bank Working Paper, 1999
- Credibility and Multiple Equilibria in Policy Games: A Reply to Irwin (With T.M. Andersen), Oxford Economic Papers, 1997, pp. 445-450
- Macroeconomic Policy and Exchange Rate Policy in a Small Dependent Economy: Estimating the Effects of Currency Devaluation in Jordan (With William G. Tyler), World Bank Discussion paper, 1996
- On the Effects of Tariff Reform: The Case of Jordan, World Bank Working Paper, 1995
- Investment and Equity Returns in Jordan, World Bank Working Paper, 1995
- Teknologiske Fremskridt og Arbejdskraftsefterspørgsel, in Festskrift til Erik Harsaae, ed. E Yndgaard, 1994, pp. 275-286
- Currency Devaluations and Related Issues – Jordan, in Jordan – Consolidating Economic Adjustment and Establishing the Base for Sustainable Growth, World Bank CEM Report, pp. 25-30 (Vol. I) and pp. 1-42 (Vol. II), 1994
- Wages in Sweden: New and Old Results (With A. Forslund), Department of Economics, University of Aarhus, Memo 1994-22
- Valutakurspolitik – Svenske Erfaringer, Department of Economics, University of Aarhus Working Paper, 1994
- Labour Substitution in Denmark, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 1993, pp. 123-135
- Wage rivalry and insider outsider relations: Evidence for skilled and unskilled men in Denmark, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1992, pp. 543-59
- Labour Substitution in Construction and the Metal Industry in Denmark, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University, Seminar Paper 535, 1993
- On the Effects of Cost and Benefit Uncertainty in a Model of Irreversible Investment, Department of Economics, University of Aarhus, Memo 1993-15
- Substitutionselasticiteten mellem Faglærte og Ufaglærte Mænd I Danmark: Resultater og Implikationer, Finansredegørelsen 1992 (Bilag) , pp. 135-167
- The Role of Credibility for the Effects of a Change in the Exchange-Rate Policy (With T.M. Andersen), Oxford Economic Papers, 1991, pp. 85-98
- A wage bargaining model for Denmark (With T.M. Andersen), Applied Economics, 1991, pp. 567-578
- On the Pricing of Contingent Claims, Department of Economics, University of Aarhus, Working Paper
- Wage Formation in Denmark (With T.M. Andersen), in Wage Formation in the Nordic Countries, ed. L. Calmfors, Oxford University Press, 1990
- Comments on G. Hughes and B. McCormick, Hidden Unemployment and Suppressed Mobility in the British Labour Market, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1990, pp. 275-277.
- Troværdighed og Økonomisk Politik: En Guide til Backus & Driffill modellen, Mimeo, 1990
- Comments on L. Calmfors and A. Forslund, Wage Setting in Sweden, in Wage Formation in the Nordic Countries, ed. L. Calmfors, Oxford University Press, 1990.
- Unemployment, Depressed Investments, and Slowly Declining Wages. Does it Help to Devalue? In M. Paldam and N.K. Sørensen (eds), Valutakursteori og –politik, University of Aarhus, 1989, pp. 54-70
- Stabilization policies and interest rate determination in a small open economy (With T.M. Andersen), European Economic Review, 1988, pp. 669-679
- Indkomstpolitikken under Firkløverregeringen, Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, 1988, pp. 286-302
- Devaluation, Profitability and Investment, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1988, pp. 125-140
- The effects of currency depreciation in a model with capital formation, European Economic Review, 1987, pp. 399-406
- Samspillet mellem løndannelse og økonomisk politik I en lille åben økonomi, in Festskrift til Holger Gad, ed. J. Vibe-Pedersen, 1986, pp. 17-36
- Budgetbalanceunderskud, handelsbalanceunderskud og den monetære devalueringsanalyse, Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, 1984, pp. 56-72
- Does devaluation improve the current account? (With T. Gylfason), European Economic Review, 1984, pp. 37-64
- Backward and Forward Looking Solutions of Simple Dynamic Perfect Foresight Models, Mimeo, 1984
*Excluding shorter papers/notes on G3, Eastern Europe etc. written while I worked for the IMF.